Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 is a apray applied , single package factory controlled premix , based on vermiculite and Portland cement .
Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 produces a monolithic coating able to withstand thermal shocks experienced in a cellulosic fire .Concrete structures in particular , can be protected from explosive spaliing when coated with Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 .
Although low in density , thus siggnificantly reducing dead load , Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 is highly durable and will not crack spall under mechanical impact .
Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 is used for application to steel frames , metal floor or roof decks , and return air plenums . It may be easily removed and reinstated locally when additional fixings are required . Building types that benefit from the use of Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 include a wide range of educational , leisure and entertainment centres , commercial or industrial projects .
Cafco MANDOLITE CP2 may be applied within environments where limited exposure to the elements is likely throughout the building phase of the project , e.g perimeter beams .